Tag: health
Congrats! Healthy Minnesotans live longer than most
We put up with a lot here in Minnesota: Winter, second winter, sometimes a third winter, spring maybe showing up, and, of course, the...
Craft beer, with a side of yoga
Some (many) of us do not have the natural inclination to run on a treadmill, or to lift heavy objects and then set them...
The tasty snack that nourishes your health and the planet
Trying to keep up with all the latest health trends and parsing out which foods are best for your health, frankly, can be frustrating...
Your one-stop, gluten-free shop
I have to admit - I love bread. English muffins, croissants, breadsticks, bagels, toast, warm buttery rolls... Frankly, I’m perfectly content just gnawing on...
The fountain of youth growing in your own backyard
You probably most associate nettle as the annoying weed growing in your backyard that you shout expletives at when you accidentally brush up against...
Before you pay up and commit, I’ve tried out a few...
I probably don’t need to sell you on the benefits of exercise, and especially don’t need to convince you of the benefits of a...
Golden Milk: Your new elixir for good health
Golden Milk will be your new favorite way to wind down from the day. This warm, delectable drink is packed with potent medicinal properties...
Cozy and and festive drinks to power you through the holidays
The holidays are closing in. To keep up your energy with all the traveling, shopping, and holiday-partying, it’s nice to have a delicious special...
St. Paul schools trust sleep is the key to success
I think it’s safe to say I’m with the majority who enjoyed the extra hour of sleep we recently gained turning our clocks back...
Seven Ways to Stop that Cold
I sneezed the other day at work and instead of a courteous ‘gesundheit’, when I turned around, the room had practically cleared out. I...