Tag: community
How many hours it takes to build a lasting friendship, according...
One of my coworkers has a very particular rule about friendships: He claims that you can only truly be proper friends if you hang...
The ‘free-range parenting’ law shaking up parenting practices
It was only a week ago that I first heard the phrase ‘free-range parenting’. I had heard of free-range chickens before, but never the words...
MN bill introduced to penalize slow pokes in the fast lane
There’s something about getting behind the wheel of a car that seems to bring out the worst in us: Something happens where we all...
MnSpin is your new source for free music by local artists
From First Avenue to the Minnesota Orchestra, Minnesota's rich music scene has produced some incredible artists over the decades. And now, with a simple...
Craft beer, with a side of yoga
Some (many) of us do not have the natural inclination to run on a treadmill, or to lift heavy objects and then set them...
Drink in the spring: 2018 Spring Flower Show, and flowering tea
I have (tentatively) put away my winter coat, swapped it out for a light jacket with the hope that spring might actually stick around...
Minnesota ranked #1 best state for women
If you are a woman living in Minnesota, join me in celebrating. In fact, this is something all Minnesotans should celebrate: While Minnesota has...
Your one-stop, gluten-free shop
I have to admit - I love bread. English muffins, croissants, breadsticks, bagels, toast, warm buttery rolls... Frankly, I’m perfectly content just gnawing on...
5 inspiring quotes to celebrate the 50th anniversary of “Mister Rogers’...
It’s hard not to smile when you hear the name Mr. Rogers. Even though I haven’t watched an episode since I was a kid,...
Come cuddle with cats at Minnesota’s first cat cafe: The Cafe...
Yes, it’s true: Minnesota now has a cat cafe. After four long (haired) years in the making, The Cafe Meow has finally united cats...