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Sunday, May 5, 2024
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Home State of the Cities

State of the Cities

MN bill introduced to penalize slow pokes in the fast lane

There’s something about getting behind the wheel of a car that seems to bring out the worst in us: Something happens where we all lose our collective sense of empathy, common sense, and any...

Minnesota sports available for streaming with new ESPN service

Minnesota has had a fairly high-profile past year in the world of professional sports. Not only did Minneapolis host Super Bowl 52, the Final Four, and the X Games, but our own, often beleaguered...

From sunshine to snowfall: The Bryan Cee story

What is it about music that remains so powerful? That fills us so completely our entire outlook on life can change, if only for just a moment? A couple of bars from your favorite...

Your Facebook data is yours. Here’s how to get it:

People are, understandably, a little spooked after the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal that left millions of people, and their personal data, out in the open. Facebook is not the iron horse we once thought...

Stephen Hawking and beyond: 5 modern scientists making groundbreaking discoveries

Few people can inspire and move millions to be excited about science - Neil deGrasse Tyson and my 90’s nostalgia for "Bill Nye the Science Guy" come to mind as popular cultural science icons...

Heart valves and more: Caisson Interventional expands in Maple Grove

Caisson Interventional LLC is planning a huge $750,000 building expansion in Maple Grove. The expansion will add 30,000 square feet to its existing facilities, and will result in the addition of 50 jobs paying...

When did America stop loving trains?

When the Stourbridge Lion steam locomotive rolled down train tracks for the first time, it was moving very quickly toward the future. It signified a new era for the United States. And by the time the golden...

Why you should stick with chocolate bunnies for Easter

As Easter rolls around, people cannot resist the adorableness of a baby bunny and impulsively buy one as a gift for the holiday. Upon realizing (rather quickly) the immense amount of work it is...

Landscape activism & outdoor art

Public art beautifies streets and adds a focal point for the surrounding community. It makes the street experience something more than just a walk down the sidewalk, and adds life and color to both...

Does Fashion Have a Lasting Impact on Society?

The fashion industry is often seen as vapid, superficial to the point of parody (and it often is parodied). But fashion is simultaneously a reflection of society' social, cultural, and economic milieu;...