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Home State of the Cities

State of the Cities

You Might Live to See the Year 2100

It might be hard to imagine, but it’s true: As of today, if you are 35 years old or younger it is quite probable you will live to the see the year...

Hybrid Cars: Environmental Blessing or Ticking Time Bomb?

I have a family member who scoffs every time they see a Toyota Prius, Nissan Leaf, or any car with the hybrid badge on it drive by. Every time...

The secret all cities can learn from Albert Lea, Minnesota

Albert Lea lies about 90 miles south of the Twin Cities, and, as a quiet city with a population of around 18,000, probably isn’t often on your radar, and probably doesn’t come to mind...
15 New Slang Terms for 2019 Explained

15 New Slang Terms Explained

If you’re planning on using the internet at all this year, or conversing with someone under the age of 35, you’ll want to take a gander at this list of the newest slang terms...
Pictures of everything: Our obsession with permanence

Pictures or It Didn’t Happen: Our Obsession with Permanence

Something happens. Something memorable, or kind of cool, or not really that interesting at all. But we're bored, so we take thirteen pics of it anyway. We have to take pictures, record...

The November Project

We’ve had our first snowfall, and it has taken all of my willpower not to completely succumb to my natural state and show up to work wrapped in the comforter from my...

Does Fashion Have a Lasting Impact on Society?

The fashion industry is often seen as vapid, superficial to the point of parody (and it often is parodied). But fashion is simultaneously a reflection of society' social, cultural, and economic milieu;...
No Kill Shelter in Minnesota, Twin Cities Agenda

No-Kill Shelters in Minnesota

There are many options for finding a new four-legged friend, from the Humane Society to working with a breeder directly. A new trend starting to heat up is heading to a no-kill...
Anthony Bourdain

A Tribute to Anthony Bourdain

At the Twin Cities Agenda, one of our main areas of focus is on local food and drink. At its best, it is writing that also discusses the importance of food and...
Downtown vs. Downtown: A look at Minneapolis and St. Paul

Downtown vs. Downtown: A look at Minneapolis and St. Paul

Two cities. Two distinctly different downtowns, only 10 miles apart. There are those who would call for the two cities to simply merge and be done with it. Even...