Do you hear noises while you lay in bed trying to sleep? Have you ever experienced paranormal activity? Can you confirm that this isn’t all in your head and you’re just making it up? Perhaps you have experienced the sensation of sensing someone, or something, in your house as you sleep knowing no one is home. Maybe the hairs on the back of your neck stick straight up at the thought of knowing something is in or near your presence when you are “alone.”
It’s okay if you feel chills right now reflecting on eerie events from throughout your lifetime, we won’t judge.
From the Twin Cities Halloween Attractions article, there’s a link that shows all Halloween attractions for Minnesota which is minnesotahauntedhouses.com. This website not only offers a thorough overview of all Halloween attractions in Minnesota but they also have an extended list of real haunted places.
Click here to view a list of haunted houses in Minnesota.
Is there any way to determine what can be defined as haunted? Be it a movie theater, a college campus building, a brewery, a cemetery (obviously), hospital, or hotel, witnesses have noted in many locations throughout the web that we have a plethora of haunted places all over Minnesota.
Minnesota haunted houses give a decent description to haunted places, but maybe you can report your dark basement being haunted. There is a contact submission form where people can submit their own haunted experiences and places they’ve been or lived. After all the house you live in was built in the early 1900s on a burial ground right? So it’s pretty much safe to say it’s not haunted with ghosts or spirits right?
Another great reference for local haunted landmarks and buildings is a website called Haunted Rooms. They have a section dedicated strictly to 11 Haunted Places in Minnesota. They describe in detail about some of Minnesota’s most iconic places including, First Avenue, Minneapolis City Hall, The Fitzgerald Theater, and Grey Cloud Island. It’s crazy to think that in our very own twin cities we have places that may have had people that have killed themselves or even killed others.
So maybe there isn’t a surefire way to determine if an establishment or location is haunted, but stories, experiences, and recorded media sure does support the argument. We can always go visit these places alone by ourselves with no outside contact whatsoever to determine if they really are haunted.
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