70 F
Sunday, May 19, 2024
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Thanksgiving: Fun Facts by the Numbers

If you would have asked me how I was going to spend my morning, I wouldn’t have answered, "Doing an in-depth analysis of U.S. Census reports." That is indeed how I spent...
Winter in Minnesota is a dark affair. But why?

Winter in Minnesota is a Dark Affair

As we count down the last few days before the end of Daylight Saving Time, we all know well what is coming next: The fourth quarter of the year, the temporal swan...

It seems like we’ve had a lot of snow this winter, but it’s not...

It may seem like we've had more than average snow this winter - as anyone who has had to scrape their windshield recently can attest. But the numbers tell a different story: It's not...

Keep an Eye Out for the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee

Most people try and avoid anything with a stinger - bees, typically, are at the top of that list. Others however, are of the opposite mindset: Erica Hoaglund, for...

Danger! Danger! What You Need to Know About Burning Yard Waste

As the weather changes and the leaves begin to fall from trees, yard clean up begins. For some Minnesotans, this involves bagging their yard waste and putting it out on the curb...
China is launching a fake moon to replace city lights

China is launching a fake moon to replace city lights

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, it really isn't all that bright: In fact, it's only 1-400,000th the brightness of the sun. But while moon rays may not be...

Andersen Windows showcase green initiatives in new buildings

Over the past weekend of November 8 - 10, Minnesota-based Andersen Corporation explored the unique relationship between architecture and sustainability at the 2017 Greenbuild International Conference and Expo. This was held in conjunction with...

Stars Hollow Co. latest Minnesota aquaponics startup

Minnesota is adding yet another aquaponics company to a rapidly-growing list: We now have 40 producers of indoor fish and vegetation, up from just 3 in 2010 (UofM). The latest? Stars Hollow Co. joins the...

Car(e)free in Minnesota

Summers are easy. Winters are tough. But winters are tough on everyone, car or not. One of the greatest benefits of living in the city close by everything is you don't have...
Gardens on top of cars? Only in New York

Gardens On Top of Cars? Only in New York

Mercedes-Benz is a car company - one you're probably familiar with. It is, in fact, the oldest carmaker in the world: Carl Benz, from whom the company gets half of its name...