47.5 F
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
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Gardens on top of cars? Only in New York

Gardens On Top of Cars? Only in New York

Mercedes-Benz is a car company - one you're probably familiar with. It is, in fact, the oldest carmaker in the world: Carl Benz, from whom the company gets half of its name...
China is launching a fake moon to replace city lights

China is launching a fake moon to replace city lights

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, it really isn't all that bright: In fact, it's only 1-400,000th the brightness of the sun. But while moon rays may not be...

LEGO is going plant-based, sustainable

With their green, plant-inspired pieces, for now. As per the LEGO website, "LEGO® botanical elements such as leaves, bushes and trees will be made from plant-based plastic sourced from sugarcane in the future and will...

Stars Hollow Co. latest Minnesota aquaponics startup

Minnesota is adding yet another aquaponics company to a rapidly-growing list: We now have 40 producers of indoor fish and vegetation, up from just 3 in 2010 (UofM). The latest? Stars Hollow Co. joins the...
The new way to stay: Energy positive, and above the Arctic Circle

A New Way to Stay: Energy Positive, Above the Arctic Circle

While the threat of Climate Change is ever-growing, there are some who are looking with optimism to the future. Svart, for example, is the world's first energy-positive hotel located above the Arctic...

It seems like we’ve had a lot of snow this winter, but it’s not...

It may seem like we've had more than average snow this winter - as anyone who has had to scrape their windshield recently can attest. But the numbers tell a different story: It's not...

Patagonia wants to save the world, but they can’t do it without you

Yesterday, February 7, 2018, Patagonia launched a new initiative. It's a simple initiative, but with a decidedly grander goal: To save the planet. Designed to connect people with the local grassroots organizations that are working to do just...

Andersen Windows showcase green initiatives in new buildings

Over the past weekend of November 8 - 10, Minnesota-based Andersen Corporation explored the unique relationship between architecture and sustainability at the 2017 Greenbuild International Conference and Expo. This was held in conjunction with...

Minnesota-Grown Black Truffles Might Be Possible as a Result of Climate Change

Scientists from the University of Cambridge have grown black truffles in the inoculated soil of Monmouthshire, Wales. This, admittedly, is much more temperate than Minnesota, but is still by far the furthest...

Google will run entirely on renewable energy by the end of the year… maybe

We wrote recently about solar energy community gardens in Participate in a community garden (of solar power), and about Minnesota's role in developing clean energy, Minnesota leading the way for renewable energy grid batteries. These clean energy...