Weekly Events 5/7-5/13


With the one of the biggest parades in the TC to start off this week, you can be sure summertime happenings are among us.


May Day Parade –  

Powderhorn Neighborhood May 7th Noon- Put on each year by Heart of The Beast Theatre, this parade hosts all cultures from the TC.  You get a great taste of the melting pot we all struggle so hard to keep simmering, while getting to celebrate the coming of spring and the reawaking of the earth.  My favorite are usually the 10ft tall puppets and masks!!

Open Mic Night

Day Block Brewery, Washington Ave S, MPLSEvery Monday, accomidated by a $3 selected pint of the day, there is an open mic at one the people’s favorite breweries in the TC.  They are pretty open to you focus here, just get up and entertain!  sign up starts @ *pm Open mic is from 9pm-11pm

Acme Comedy Club, North 1st Street, MPLS Once thought as one of the top 5 comedy clubs in the country, this place is sure to draw some funny acts.  Every Monday Acme also host an open mic, this being a comedy club the open mic is more comedy routine focused.  Free to the public and sign up is at the bar between 6pm-7pm, show starts at 8pm.

Yoga –

Sunset yoga @ Silverwood Park, St. Anthony, MN May 9th from 7pm-8:15pm $12/person ages 14+

ChefTender Series –

The ChefTender series with Chef Adam Eaton, Tuesday, May 9th 8pm-12am @ Constantine, Mpls.  This super cool event gets local chefs behind the bar and all tips go to No Kid Hungry.  A program focused on making sure all kids have breakfast at school, ensuring they start the day off right.  Be sure to order the $5 bar burger 😉

Local Art –

Art 4 Shelter @ Le Meridian Chambers Downtown, MPLS May 10, 6pm-9pm This free and public event hosts more than 1,000 pieces by local artists.  All the proceeds and profits go to make sure the homeless can afford a nights sleep through the Simpson Housing Services.  Art pieces range from $35-$175, not bad! basically nothing to help out a neighbor and bring some local culture home.

Pint of Music; A MN Orchestra Micro Concert –

Thursday, May 11th, Bauhaus Brew labs, MPLS, will be hosting a micro-concert with a few of the magically talented members of the MN Orchestra!  This event was created to bring local symphony to local breweries.  We all are aware that music and beer are a big part of our growing artisan culture here in MN, go enjoy some of it at this free event.  Drink any seasonal beer they have, spread those wings.

Local Music –

Check out young local rocker band The Symptones, Thursday May 11th, 8:30pm-12:30am @ Driftwood Char Bar, MPLS  They tend to play a couple fun covers too.

Get Involved –

Unity March – Friday, May 12th 3pm-7pm @ MN State Capitol, Join your fellow neighbors and family to stand up towards #45’s ideology that we need to be separated and we need to be “where we belong”.  Stand up and show Trump that we are Great and we are United!

Pop Up Dinner

Ophelia @ Cook STP, Saturday May 13th, For the past couple years “pop up dinners” have been sweeping the TC.  Cook STP’s Eddie Wu has been a huge advocate in having chef dinners or making his space available for local chefs to spread their culinary vision.  This Saturday join Tre Hardy and his crew as they bring you a MN spring bounty in Ophelia. Tickets available for two seatings @ http://opheliapopup.brownpapertickets.com/

Stay tuned for next weeks happenings.

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Born and raised in the suburbs of Saint Paul, MN, Brandon has immersed himself into being a local and sustainable advocate for delicious living. Working for the best Chef’s in the Twin Cities before becoming the Residence Chef at the Minnesota Governor’s Residence and personal Chef for the Zimmern family. Foraging, eating, parenting, writing, cycling, consulting, catering and hosting pop up dinners are what his free time entails.