Recipe of the Week: King Crab Chowder

Recipe of the Week: King Crab Chowder

What to do with holiday dinner leftovers? It’s soup season and there is never a bad time for chowder. Here’s a quick and easy recipe – something I made with leftover king crab legs that just might be better than having them straight.

King Crab Chowder

Serves 4 hearty portions.


2 cups king crab and/or Snow Crab meat, rough chopped

1 10oz can clams, strained and both liquid and meat reserved

4 cups russet potatoes, peeled and medium diced

4ea stalks celery, small dice

3 leeks, small diced and rinsed well

1 cup sweet corn kernels

1 cup carrots, paysanne or small dice

1T ginger, freshly peeled and finely grated

5ea garlic cloves, minced

1T saffron

1t cayenne

1 cup white wine

2 cups vegetable stock

1QT half and half or cream

½ lb butter, high fat and unsalted

Chopped parsley, dill, and chive

King crab makes the very best chowder soup


In a large non-reactive pot, melt the butter. Then, add the leeks, carrots, celery, garlic, potatoes, ginger, and sweet corn. Season with a pinch of salt and sauté on low to medium heat until leeks are melted and potatoes are starting to soften.

Add white wine. Cook wine until pot is almost dry then add veg stock, saffron, and clam liquid. Lower heat to a simmer and let cook until potatoes begin to fall apart and veggies are tender.  Stir in cream slowly until you’ve reached desired thickness.


Season with salt and cayenne.

Stir in crab and clams at the end, once you have correctly seasoned the soup.

Serve topped with chopped parsley, dill and chive, and voila: A soul-hugging, delicious dish sure to keep you happy & warm on these cold winter nights.

Check out this recipe next: Recipe of the Week: Egg Pasta

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Born and raised in the suburbs of Saint Paul, MN, Brandon has immersed himself into being a local and sustainable advocate for delicious living. Working for the best Chef’s in the Twin Cities before becoming the Residence Chef at the Minnesota Governor’s Residence and personal Chef for the Zimmern family. Foraging, eating, parenting, writing, cycling, consulting, catering and hosting pop up dinners are what his free time entails.