We all know how much Prince loved living with us here in Minneapolis, but everyone needs to get away now and again and the Purple One was no exception.
But his getaway is not a cabin in the woods or a lake somewhere up north to follow Minnesota stereotypes. Located far away from where dove’s cry on Providenciales in Turks and Caicos, the estate is made up of various pieces of land and parcels floating in the cool blue waters of the Caribbean.
And, soon, the magnificent home at the center of it all will be up for auction.
Covering a total of 10,000-square-feet, the five-acre expanse has six bedrooms, six bathrooms, a tennis court, two private beaches, and a 200-foot boat dock, as well as a driveway that, of course, purple, designed for guests visiting the estate in, say, a little red corvette.
And beautiful weather so you don’t have to often worry about any (purple) rain.
How much to lay your head where Prince laid his?
Well, the final price remains to be seen, but bids for the estate are due by July 12, with a cool $100,000 registration deposit.
If you’re into that sort of thing and want to place a bid, or just morbidly curious and want to learn more, hit the Premiere Estate website.
And read this next: From Bahamian sunshine to Minnesota snowfall: The Bryan Cee story
And for more Prince news, read this: Latest Prince book gets a queen’s touch