5 Lessons for success from the Darwin Awards


Twin Cities Startup Week wrapped up another successful week-long festival of events and speaker panels celebrating the growing entrepreneur community in Minnesota. Though I am not an entrepreneur or startup guru, I found myself wishing I was able to attend more events. The speakers and panel discussions were geared towards business, but as I listened, I realized the speaker’s experience and insight reached far beyond the business world. This was most evident with one event properly named the “Darwin Awards”.

As you might guess, the “Darwin Awards” honor, well, not the brightest of humankind, but those who make unfortunate decisions that subsequently remove themselves from the gene pool. Or, in this case, the business gene pool. I was eager to hear the horror stories and the panelists did not disappoint.

Learning from their mistakes, here are 5 lessons that you can benefit from, not just in the world of business, but in every aspect of your life.


1. People and Goals Change

It is easy and natural for your mindset to remain stubborn and stay stuck in old patterns and behaviors that are familiar and comfortable. We label and put people and ideas into certain boxes so it’s easier to understand them. Though in life, nothing stays completely static. It can be jarring and shake your beliefs when there’s change. Perhaps your friend quits their job and moves across the country or another just gets super into CrossFit. The panel taught us to not only expect change and allow for growth, but also accept it. It is a powerful skill to be able to adapt and challenge past ideas and narratives you’ve had for yourself and others.

2. Emotions Matter

Unless you’re actually Spock, emotions will always play a factor in your decision-making. The panelists regaled us with stories of business dealings that fell apart because they underestimated the impact emotions play. In dealing with friends, coworkers, or family, practicing empathy is key to understanding others’ decisions and thought processes. Knowing that people rarely operate in stone cold logic can take you a long way in developing meaningful and successful relationships.

3. Spend Money Up-front

One speaker hammered in the importance of protecting and investing in your company even if it costs more up-front. Though he was speaking more to legal situations and trademark protection, the lesson extends into how we operate on a daily level. Invest in yourself. Whatever goal you may have in your sights, to get that job or walk up the stairs without getting winded (definitely didn’t happen to me the other day…) putting in that extra time and effort at the beginning will pay off. The immediate cost may be missing happy hour or passing on going out with friends every weekend, but as you move closer to your goals not only will you be happier, but you’ll have the energy and drive to reach further than you imagined. 

4. Principals Need Principles

This Darwin lesson is all about discovering your “why”. What is your motivation? What fuels you to keep going? The panel shared a compelling story of how a business failed because the founder’s motivation wasn’t to promote the company’s mission or products, but simply was to earn money. The founder didn’t have a greater “why” and it was detrimental to the company. Whether a business, family, job, hobby, or fitness regime, finding your “why” will keep you motivated even when it gets hard.

5. Perfection Does Not Equal Success

People can strive for perfection all their lives reaching toward an impossible standard, but perfection does not guarantee success. You can still be madly successful by simply being good enough. Dropping the notion of perfection can free you from unnecessary stress and anxiety. You can switch your focus from obsessing over one project and allow yourself to pursue other ideas and ventures, perhaps achieving even more success.

Hopefully by following some of these Darwin lessons, you’ll not only keep yourself in the gene pool but thrive.

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Lauren is a filmmaker and writer. She loves capturing and sharing Minnesotans’ unique stories. And when not behind the camera, she’s always on an adventure traveling, exploring new bike trails, and subjecting her friends to taste testing her latest baking experiments.