Freeganism: Living Free in Minnesota


To freegans, the world is ripe for the picking. And there is no price tag on it. It’s an open, affirming way to live, and, as the name implies, it comes with little to no price tag.

What exactly is a freegan?

The word “freegan” is a portmanteau of the words “free” and “vegan.” It is a culture that generally wants nothing to do with the rat race, capitalist society based solely on profit, consumption, and acquisition – there is no need to spend more money on new things when there are products that go to waste daily. It is a simply philosophy, really, one of appreciating what has already been made instead of working tirelessly to constantly buy/own/update; it goes beyond condemning a few bad corporations, it is the system itself that is the problem. It’s about rejecting capitalism, and more importantly, consumerism. It’s about the joy of being free, not tied to the latest this, that, or the other thing, and the reward of living without it.

It’s not about keeping up with the Joneses, it’s picking up what the Joneses left behind.

According to, “Freegans are people who employ alternative strategies for living based on limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources.”

And it’s not illegal. According to the 1984 case California vs. Greenwood, the Supreme Court declared, “The Fourth Amendment does not prohibit the warrantless search and seizure of garbage left for collection outside the curtilage of a home.”

The mantra is, ultimately, don’t purchase when you can repurpose.

And it’s perhaps the only real antidote to affluenza; the term used commonly by critics of consumerism to describe the actual (mental) sickness/fatigue that comes the constant need to buy, buy, buy.

How does freeganism work in a state like Minnesota?

In Minnesota, where winter weather can make it hard to live without a new coat or boots without holes, a hot meal or warm drink, it’s much harder to fathom living the freegan life.

This is where the internet can help. Sites like, mentioned above, offer tips, tricks, and procedures. There’s a “Dumpster Directory,” for example, that identifies the best dumpsters for finding food, and the best times to look for it. (for the Minnesota chapter specifically click here) has news and information on freegan communities all across the world. It is about community. It is about coming together.

Local libraries have free access to computers with internet, and are open to everyone.

And it’s also about the do’s and don’ts of living the freegan way. Etiquette is important to remember: Dumpster diving during business hours is considered rude/intrusive. Plus, you’re more likely to have an angry business owner chasing you away and putting locks on dumpsters, screwing things up for everyone. There aren’t rules necessarily, just better ways to go about living the free life.

Because, at least for the time being, this is the way the world works.

But isn’t just about food (although that is often the most important, re: survival). Clothes are thrown out before they should be, especially around college campuses during dorm move-out time. Usable appliances are tossed out as well; if you rummage through the dumpsters of Best Buy you can even find some tech or toys for yourself for the costs of one good jump.

There is too much waste in the world. A freegan lifestyle combats that one item at a time.

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