Watch: Minneapolis turning purple was the coolest part of Super Bowl LII

Minneapolis turns purple for Justin Timberlake's halftime show tribute to Prince. Photo courtesy of NBC.

It was a good game and all (even though it didn’t have the Vikings in it); a close match between the “underdog” Philadelphia Eagles and the arguably greatest team of all time, New England Patriots.

The underdogs ended up pulling it off, 41-33, to stump a(nother) double-digit Super Bowl comeback for the seemingly-unbeatable Patriots.

There was also a pretty great halftime show featuring the charismatic Justin Timberlake, who, in his quest to pay tribute to the late and great Minneapolis legend Prince, became embroiled in controversy over whether or not The Artist should be brought back to life in hologram form.

(Hologram zombies?)

But whether you’re for or against the tribute, you have to admit that turning Minneapolis purple was pretty cool:

Minneapolis turns purple for Justin Timberlake’s halftime show tribute to Prince. Photo courtesy of NBC.

A lot of planning went into this brief, but beautiful visual; many technicians deserve a pat on the back for their role in making it happen. This was more than pretty cool: It was one of the more memorable halftime displays the Super Bowl has ever been a part of.

And, thanks to @Jesse_Foster, we can watch it over and over again in a quick video (and especially nice for those who didn’t catch the show), posted on Twitter:

Which almost makes the traffic snarls, the influx of cold-hating out-of-towners, and an overblown game that didn’t feature any of our boys in purple, seem a little more worth it.
