Minneapolis and St. Paul are young, vibrant, trendy cities. We’ve got new businesses, restaurants, and fun activities popping up left and right — so many of which that it can actually feel quite daunting to attempt to keep up with it all.
Have you caught yourself wondering lately:
- “Am I getting old?”
- “Have I started to slow down a bit?”
- “Am I a bit lamer than I used to be?”
I spent some time asking around and came up with a solid list of new and popular activities here in the Twin Cities — if you don’t know what any of these things are, you might be in trouble.
(1) Have you escaped from one of the seemingly-endless amounts of Escape Rooms popping up around the cities?

Escape rooms are sprouting up everywhere. If you haven’t seen that many, it is likely because many of them are not in retail spaces — they need space to craft different experiences and that space does not come at a bargain in high foot-traffic types of areas. Be sure to check out Escape MSP with locations in Golden Valley and St Paul.
(2) Have you spent an afternoon hopping from one craft brewery to the next?

We love our craft breweries. My favorite little pocket is in northeast where you can find Able, Indeed, 612, Bauhaus and Dangerous Man all within walking distance of each other.
(3) Have you gone lawn bowling at Brit’s Pub or Brookview Golf Course?

There is just something magical about standing barefoot on a soft putting green, sipping on a beverage, and playing a leisurely game of lawn bowling that has people across the Twin Cities totally captivated.
(4) Have you eaten at Red Cow and Pizzeria Lola?

These are two restaurants that people talk about a lot and have been for quite some time. If you haven’t been to at least one, that’s a bad sign.
(5) Have you painted while drinking wine?

We Twin Cities residents are creative folks. What better way to explore our creative sides than to take a painting lesson while enjoying our favorite adult beverages.
(6) Have you gone to a bar where the main activity is playing video games?

Places like Up Down and Punch Bowl Social are creating a lot of buzz these days. And for good reason — they actually give you something to do at a bar. Lawn games are huge in Minnesota, so it makes sense that bars with indoor activities do really well considering that it’s really really cold here for most of the year.
If you failed this test, do not worry, there’s still time. Now get out there and see what all the buzz is about.